Corn is one of the staple food after rice. Corn has significance in the development of industry in Indonesia since corn is the raw material for the food industry and feed industry.

Terms growing corn crop is going to grow both in height between 1000-1800 m above sea level at the optimum height of about 50-600 m above sea level. The optimum temperature of the corn crop between 23 0 C - 30 0 C. Ideal rainfall of around 85-200 mm / month. Corn crops should be planted early in the rainy season or dry season ahead. Corn plants also need sunlight, Because corn plants are shaded, its growth will be stunted and produce seeds that are not optimal. while for the soil, the corn does not require any special soil requirements, keep soil loose, fertile and rich in humus. Soil pH is between 5.6 to 7.5.

Corn crop cultivation techniques are as follows:

- Preparation of Seeds
Terms of corn seeds used are those which have the power to grow and virgor high enough, the physiology of high quality (ability to grow at least 90%).

- Land Management
Land for planting can be processed by using a hoe or plow.

- Planting
There are some planting on corn planting pattern commonly applied is intercropping (intercropping), overlapping shifts (Multiple Cropping), the plants have an insert (Relay cropping), and the crop mix (mixed cropping). Ie planting hole with a depth of 3-5 cm. Spacing plants adapted to the age of harvest corn, the corn, the longevity gap widened cropping. Corn harvest aged over 100 days after planting, the planting distance is 40 × 100 cm, while the old corn harvest 80-100 days, the planting distance is 25 × 75 cm.

- Maintenance
Maintenance is carried out by Spacing and Stitching, weeding, Pembumbunan, and fertilizing and pest and disease control.

Stitching thinning and maize plants grow poorly or die is usually done 7-10 days after planting. Weeding is done to get rid of weeds that exist around the corn crop. Pembumbunan done to strengthen the position of the rod so that the plant does not fall down.

Fertilization in maize plants which consist of a basic fertilization using urea 120 kg / ha, TSP 20 kg / ha, and KCl 25 kg / ha. Furthermore, the second fertilization is done when the maize plants aged 3 weeks after planting using Urea fertilizer 115 kg / ha and KCl 55 kg / ha, the third fertilization is done when the maize plants aged 6 weeks after planting which uses urea 115 kg / ha.

Do pest and disease control in maize. Pests that often attack the corn plant that seed flies (Atherigona exigua Stein), and caterpillars cutter. While the disease attacks the corn crop is seing downy mildew (Downy mildew), leaf spot disease (Leaf Bligh), rust (Rust), charred disease swelling (Corn smut / boil smut), cob rot disease and rotten seeds. Control by using natural pesticides and chemical pesticides.

- Harvest and Post-harvest
Corn crop is harvested when maize aged 86-96 days after planting. Corn to vegetables such as baby corn and baby corn harvested before the seeds are fully charged, whereas for boiled or roasted corn, corn is harvested when ripe milk. How to harvest is to rotate and break the fruit stalk cob of corn. Shelled corn while still attached to the stem or after picking is completed, so that the water content in the cob can be lowered so that the fungus does not grow. Corn drying in the sun. After drying corn dipipil by hand or tool corn sheller.

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